For many people, growing houseplants and flowers become an addictive experience but so do pests and bugs think.

At Panther Pest Control London, we know that some plants are fussy about conditions and care, however, the effort is worth it, especially when you see amazing blooms.

Unfortunately, there are insects and bugs that can severely diminish the health of the plant and the ability to produce flowers. The damage these insects do reduces plant vitality and can even kill the plant. Houseplant insects you find in your house can come in DIY gardens that have been outside for summer, or newly bought growers. It’s a common problem for container gardening and cultures. Identifying pesky villains and providing effective control can save your plants and flowers.

We’ve teamed up with experienced gardeners and florists to provide you with all must-know information on flower pests.

Easier To Prevent Than Eliminate

The best way to control insects on houseplants is through prevention. It’s a well-known fact that it’s easier to prevent an insect infestation than to eliminate one.

There are lots of effective practices you can try, and below we’ll describe the best of them. These approaches will help your plants stay healthy.

Stressed plants are more susceptible to insects, so provide them with the growing conditions they need.
Check if there are insects on plants when you buy them. Before buying or bringing a new plant home, always inspect it and its container for signs of insects. If you identify pests on a plant in the shop, tell a shop owner so that he/she can quarantine the plant and ensure it doesn’t get sold to someone else.

Use only clean pots and potting soil. When you bring home a new plant, before putting it into a new pot, make sure to thoroughly clean pots with a bleach solution or diluted soap to get rid of any disease-carrying agents.

Use commercially prepared potting soil when repotting a flower, instead of soil from outdoors, which is a rich source of pests.

Isolate new flowers for up to 6 weeks to make sure that any potential insects will be less likely to spread.

While your new plant is in isolation, carefully check it for signs of pests or damage every day. Pests or their eggs are most often found on the undersides of leaves, so use a 10X magnifying lens to pay particular attention to that area. Early caught infestation is much easier to control.