If you’re reading this, chances are you’re considering starting a portable toilet rental business. But where do you even begin? There’s a lot to think about when starting any business, but there are some unique considerations when it comes to portable toilets. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to get started in 2023. We’ll cover topics like the initial investment, finding the right suppliers, marketing your business, and more. By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of what it takes to succeed in the portable toilet rental industry.

What is a portable toilet rental business?

A portable toilet rental business is a company that rents out portable toilets for events and construction sites. Portable toilets are an important part of many events and construction sites, as they provide a clean and convenient place for people to use the restroom.

Starting a portable toilet rental business can be a great way to earn extra income, or even a full-time income. To start a portable toilet rental business, you will need to purchase some portable toilets, which can be found at most hardware stores. You will also need to find customers who need to rent your toilets.

One way to find customers is to contact event planners and construction companies in your area and offer to rent them your toilets. You can also advertise your business in local newspapers or online. Once you have found some customers, it is important to deliver the toilets on time and collect them after the event or construction project is finished.

The benefits of starting a portable toilet rental business

Portable toilets are a necessity for any construction site, event, or public gathering. They provide a safe and sanitary option for people to use when there are no other restrooms available. Starting a portable toilet rental business can be a lucrative and rewarding endeavor. There are many benefits to starting your own business, including:

1. You’re in control – When you’re the boss, you make the rules. You get to decide how your business will be run and what type of services you’ll provide.

2. Competitive prices – Portable toilet rental businesses are usually very competitively priced. This means that you can offer lower prices than your competitors and still make a profit.

3. Flexible hours – As the owner of your own business, you get to set your own hours. This is perfect if you have other commitments or want to take advantage of seasonal demand.

4. Repeat customers – Once you’ve established yourself in the portable toilet rental market, you’ll likely have many repeat customers. This is especially true if you offer superior customer service and competitive prices.

5. Low overhead – Portable toilet businesses have relatively low overhead costs. This means that more of your profits go directly into your pocket rather than being used to cover expenses.

The necessary equipment for a portable toilet rental business

If you’re considering starting a portable toilet rental business, there are a few key pieces of equipment you’ll need to get started. Here’s a rundown of the must-haves for any successful portable toilet rental operation:

Portable Toilets: Obviously, you’ll need some actual toilets to rent out! There are a variety of different types and styles of portable toilets available on the market, so do your research to find the perfect fit for your business.

Delivery Truck: You’ll need a way to transport your toilets from storage to job sites. A small delivery truck or van should suffice – just make sure it’s large enough to comfortably fit all of your units.

Storage Facility: Unless you plan on keeping all of your toilets at your home or office, you’ll need to secure a storage facility to keep them in between rentals. This can be anything from a rented storage unit to an unused corner of a commercial property.

Maintenance Supplies: To keep your toilets in top condition, you’ll need to stock up on some essential maintenance supplies. This includes things like toilet cleaner, disinfectant wipes, and deodorizer.

Where to find customers for your portable toilet rental business

There are a few ways that you can go about finding customers for your portable toilet rental business. One way is to search for construction companies in your area that may be interested in renting your toilets for their job sites. Another way is to search for event planners who may be interested in renting your toilets for outdoor events. You can also place ads in local publications or online classifieds websites.

How to price your services

There are a few things to consider when pricing your portable toilet rental services. The first is the type of event or job site you’ll be servicing. A construction site, for example, will require more frequent service than a one-time event like a wedding. You’ll also need to factor in the number of toilets you’ll be providing and the length of time they’ll be needed.

To get started, research the going rates for similar services in your area. Once you have an idea of what others are charging, you can start to develop your own pricing structure. Be sure to account for all of your costs, including labor, materials, and overhead expenses. Then, set your prices based on what you feel is fair and competitive.

If you’re just starting out, it’s okay to be flexible with your pricing. As you gain more experience and build up a reputation in the industry, you can begin to raise your rates accordingly. Ultimately, your goal should be to provide high-quality services at a fair price that meets the needs of both your customers and your business.

Tips for success

When it comes to starting a portable toilet rental business, there are a few key tips that can help you achieve success. First, it is important to research the portable toilet industry and find out what type of equipment and services are in demand. This will help you determine what type of business model to pursue and how to price your services.

It is also important to create a business plan that outlines your goals and objectives for your portable toilet rental business. This will help you stay on track and make sure that you are making progress towards your goals. Additionally, having a well-defined business plan will make it easier to secure financing from investors or lenders if needed.

Another crucial tip for starting a successful portable toilet rental business is to build strong relationships with other businesses in the same industry. This can help you get referrals and repeat customers, which is essential for growing your business. Finally, always be sure to provide excellent customer service as this will keep people coming back to use your services again in the future.


With the right planning and execution, starting a portable toilet rental business can be a lucrative endeavor. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can give yourself the best chance for success in 2023. With a solid business plan and a focus on customer service, you can build a successful portable toilet rental business that will serve your customers well for years to come.